
Conversaciones con Jesús Soto

Conversaciones con Jesús Soto
Author: Ariel Jiménez
Published: 2003
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9806454049

In this publication, Ariel Jiménez documents a series of interviews with the great Venezuelan artist Jesús Soto. Through these interviews, which took place over several years, the artist speaks about his contributions to Latin American art and narrates his experiences during key moments in the history of Venezuelan art such as the development of Kinetic art in Paris in the 1950s and 60s. The text is illustrated with key works by the artist.
  • Title: Conversaciones con Jesús Soto
  • Date: July 21, 2003
  • Title: Conversaciones con Jesús Soto
  • Date: July 21, 2003
Conversaciones con Jesús Soto
Author: Ariel Jiménez
Published: 2003
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9806454049

In this publication, Ariel Jiménez documents a series of interviews with the great Venezuelan artist Jesús Soto. Through these interviews, which took place over several years, the artist speaks about his contributions to Latin American art and narrates his experiences during key moments in the history of Venezuelan art such as the development of Kinetic art in Paris in the 1950s and 60s. The text is illustrated with key works by the artist.

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