Grants Program

The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) has collaborated with various cultural institutions to support via grants visual artists, historians researchers, and curators in their professional development. These scholarships have funded art residencies, curatorial internships, research trips, and travel opportunities to participate in art conferences. Awardees were chosen by the collaborating institution through open calls.
Hunter College / The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Professorship in Latin American Art
In 2011, CUNY Hunter College and the CPPC formed a major partnership to catalyze the way Latin American art is formally taught and studied in the United States. The five-year collaboration, with a view to fostering long-term self-sustainability, awarded Harper Montgomery the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Professorship in Latin American Art at Hunter College. It also provided Hunter students access to the collection's resources, ranging from a curatorial scholarship to archival materials, and resulted in several collaborative exhibitions. In 2016, the Department of Art and art History at Hunter College made the Professorship in Latin American Art a permanent position.
Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Research Fellowship for Latin American Art Travel Grant - CUNY Graduate Center
From 2017 to 2022, the CPPC awarded five travel grants for students to travel to museums and archives in Latin America to conduct research based on their areas of interest for their doctoral thesis.

Grant recipients:
Caroline Gillaspie
Travel to Brazil
Area of research: Nineteenth century Brazil-U.S. coffee trade

Horacio Ramos
Travel to Peru and Argentina
Area of research: Arte popular in Peru, 1960–1990

Whitney Rose Graham
Travel to Mexico
Area of research:

María Beatriz Haro-Carrión
Travel to Panama
Area of research: photographers who actively depicted Indigenous peoples across the hemisphere: Edward Curtis, Carlos Endara Andrade, and Eadweard Muybridge

Tie Jojima
Travel to Brazil
Area of research: Movimento de Arte Pornô

Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Travel Award for Central America and the Caribbean—Independent Curators International (ICI)
From 2012 to 2019, the CPPC collaborated with ICI to grant travel awards for curators to conduct research in Central America and the Caribbean. Intended to generate new collaborations with artists, curators, museums, and cultural centers in the area, the award covered curatorial residencies, studio visits, and/or archival research.

Grant recipients:
Pablo León de la Barra (Mexico)
Travel to Nicaragua and Central America
Area of research: The relationship between art and politics, with a focus on the work of the priest, poet and writer Ernesto Cardenal.

Remco de Blaaij (The Netherlands)
Travel to Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Suriname
Area of research: Women activist practices.

María Elena Ortiz (Puerto Rico)
Travel to Aruba, Bahamas, Martinique, Trinidad & Tobago
Area of research: Video art in the Caribbean diaspora.

Leah Gordon (United Kingdom)
Travel to Dominican Republic and Trinidad & Tobago
Area of research: Artistic self-management models, as well as community education programs and strategies.

Marina Reyes Franco (Puerto Rico)
Travel to Dominican Republic, Panama, Bahamas, Jamaica and Trinidad
Area of research: Concept of paradise and tax haven in Caribbean countries.

Pablo José Ramírez (Guatemala)
Travel to Saint Vincent, Roatán Island in Honduras, Belize, Livingston Island in Guatemala and The Grenadines
Area of research: The history and culture of the Garífuna.

Bard Center for Curatorial Studies Grants
From 1999 to 2010, the CPPC awarded grants that funded master's degrees at the Bard Center for Curatorial Studies.

Grant recipients:
Gabriela Rangel (Venezuela)

José Luis Blondet (Venezuela)

Max Hernandez (Peru)

Carlos Palacios (Venezuela)

CCS Bard Internship Grants
In 2011, the CPPC awarded grants to curatorial studies master's degree students to pursue internships in Latin America.

Grant recipients:
Agatha Wara
SOMA México

Andre Rebatta
Museo Experimental El Eco, Mexico

Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Grants for independent organizations in Latin America
In 2012, the CPPC expanded its scholarship program with two-year grants to support independent cultural organizations that work with visual artists from Latin America.

Grant recipients:
Al Borde (Maracaibo, Venezuela)
Lugar a dudas (Cali, Colombia)
SOMA México (Mexico City, Mexico)

FLORA ars+natura (Bogotá, Colombia)
TEOR/ética (San José, Costa Rica)

SOMA Summer, Mexico City, Mexico
From 2014 to 2016, the CPPC offered one-time grants for Venezuelan artists to participate in the SOMA Summer residency in Mexico City, Mexico. This grant covered tuition fees and the artist’s travel expenses.

Grant recipients:
Violette Bule (Valencia)

Alberto Moreno (Caracas)

Camilo Barboza (Maracaibo)

Jóvenes con FIA + PIVÔ CPPC Grant, São Paulo, Brazil
Artists selected from the annual Jóvenes con FIA exhibition in Venezuela were awarded this prize, which consisted of a scholarship for a two-week cultural immersion trip to São Paulo, Brazil sponsored by Pivô. The scholarship covered air transportation, stipends, and accommodation in Pivô for a Venezuelan artist/duo, as well as costs related to programming in São Paulo.

Grant recipients:
Raily Yance (Maracaibo, Venezuela) + Fabio Bonfanti (Maracaibo, Venezuela)

Conrado Pittari (Caracas, Venezuela)

Ana Mosquera (Caracas, Venezuela)

Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Grant, Maine, USA
From 2008 to 2013, the CPPC awarded an annual grant to an artist from Latin America to attend the nine-week intensive residency program at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.

Alberto Borea (Lima, Peru)

Joaquín Figueroa Quintana (Baruta, Venezuela)

Ximena Díaz & Claudia Salamanca (Bogotá, Colombia)

Javier Rodríguez (Caracas, Venezuela)

Juan Pablo Garza (Maracaibo, Venezuela)

Leila Tschopp (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM)
From 2005 to 2016, the CPPC awarded grants to curators and museum professionals from Latin America to attend the annual conference of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) for Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM).

Grants have been awarded to the following recipients:
Alberto Belluci (Argentina); Direlia Lazo Rodriguez (Cuba); Emiliano Valdés (Guatemala); Fiorella Resenterra (Costa Rica); Florencia Malbran (Argentina); Florencia Portocarrero (Peru); Gabriela Senz (Costa Rica); Giancarlo Hannud (Brazil); Gustavo Buntinx (Peru); Halim Badawi (Colombia); Inti Guerrero (Costa Rica); Joaquin Barriendos (Mexico); Juliana Restrepo (Colombia); Karenia Guillar (Dominican Republic); Laurencia Mercado (Mexico); Lucrecia Cofi (Brazil); Luiz Camillo Osorio (Brazil); Magali Arriola (Mexico); Magali Méndez de Castellón (Costa Rica); Marcela Romer (Argentina); Maria Wills (Colombia); Marly Joseph Desir (Haiti); Melissa Michelle Ramos Borges (Puerto Rico); Miguel A. López (Peru); Monica Kupfer (Panama); Nancy Rojas (Argentina); Nicole Smythe-Johnson (Jamaica); Pablo José Ramirez (Guatemala); Paulo Herkenhoff (Brazil); Rafael Romero (Venezuela); Ricardo Sardenberg (Brazil); Rodolfo Andaur (Chile); Rodrigo Moura (Brazil); Stephanie Noach (Cuba); Tatiana Cuevas (Mexico); Thereza Farkas (Brazil); Tobias Ostrander (Mexico); Veronica Wiman (Sweden); Virginia Pérez-Ratton (Costa Rica); Walter Mignolo (Argentina)
In 2012, the CPPC created a one-time curatorial fellowship that offered a curator and scholar from Latin America the opportunity to work on the development of dOCUMENTA (13), which took place in Kassel, Germany. Applicants were required to have an interest in collaborating with artists in the creation of art activated by the participation of various groups of people, and in developing an interdisciplinary program that included art, science and research for visitors.

The recipient of this five-month curatorial fellowship was Guatemalan curator Emiliano Valdés, who became the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Curatorial Fellow at the Department of Maybe Education and Public Programs and published What When. A Guide to the Maybe Education and Public Programs of dOCUMENTA(13) (Ed). Kassel, Germany, 2012.
Centro León, Santiago, Dominican Republic
The CPPC has collaborated with the Centro Cultural Eduardo León Jiménes by providing a grant via an open call for an artist to attend an artist's residency in the Americas.

Grant recipients:
David Pérez (Karmadavis)
Artist residency in Mexico City

Yoel Bordas
Premio Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Contemporary art residency in Latin America

Andrés Farías
Travel to Caracas to participate in the Seminario Fundación Cisneros

From 2009 to 2011, the CPPC awarded a scholarship for a Venezuelan artist to participate in the International Residence of Artists in Argentina, organized by the Center for Artistic Research and held in the city of Buenos Aires.

Grant recipients:
Daniel Medina

Luis Molina-Pantin

Oscar Abraham Pabón